Sunday 14 November 2010

Model (unfinished): Jubilee gardens and surrounding area

Our group is doing survey for Jubilee Gardens in London. I volunteered to make a model of the site. Antoine gave me building hight information but Susan printed out the map 1:1000. I worked on this model all yesterday till 5am, I haven't finished yet, have to add trees and plants, London Eye's wheel, some small buildings, railway lines and annotation. 

I run out of materials and have to buy some: foam-board for the wheel and metal cutter for trees. 
This model has to be finished by next Monday, when our group will have to present it.


  1. Aija, looking good, as someone who has never seen the site, there is enough detail to get a feel for potential problems with the site. Hope our one has the same effect.


  2. problems? Grant you are so negitive
    there is always good and bad to a sight
    the model looks amazing!
