Sunday 21 November 2010

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Climate change

This photo I found some weeks ago, when I was looking for information on London's Climate and pollution. In my opinion this is very interesting image, showing what would happen if the weather changes drastically. Jubilee gardens (our groups survey site) would be completely under the water.

Historic Garden Conservation: presentation

This was one of the presentations of Greenwich Park. We had to do historic layers of the park and my task was to produce 18th and 19th century's overview (Subject: Historic Garden Conservation)

Sunday 14 November 2010

Autumn feeling

Autumn leaves, acrylic on canvas. I painted this picture this September.

Model (unfinished): Jubilee gardens and surrounding area

Our group is doing survey for Jubilee Gardens in London. I volunteered to make a model of the site. Antoine gave me building hight information but Susan printed out the map 1:1000. I worked on this model all yesterday till 5am, I haven't finished yet, have to add trees and plants, London Eye's wheel, some small buildings, railway lines and annotation. 

I run out of materials and have to buy some: foam-board for the wheel and metal cutter for trees. 
This model has to be finished by next Monday, when our group will have to present it.

Monday 11 October 2010

3 Interactive models

This was a homwork for todays lecture, but because my son is ill I had to stay at home with him.
In last weeks lecture we had to make 4 models in 5 min., then photograph them and choose one for this task.
The task was to produce 3 dinamic various scale images, apply human form to explore the scale. Produce 1 X A1 composition of the 3 images + my name. This had to be the best composition I could do.